How to get Fallout 4's X-02 Power Armour from the Speak of the Devil quest (2024)

The next-gen update for Fallout 4 has brought in a bunch of Creation Club content to the game, including the mighty X-02 Power Armor. It's one of the best in the game if not the best, and you can get this armour via the Speak of the Devil quest.

In this guide, I'll explain how to get the X-02 Power Armor from this newly added quest in the game.

How to start the Speak of the Devil quest

After you've downloaded the latest Fallout 4 update, you'll get this quest automatically added with other quests like Pyromaniac and Crucible. You can select it and start tracking it on your map.

How to get Fallout 4's X-02 Power Armour from the Speak of the Devil quest (1)

How to get Fallout 4's X-02 Power Armour from the Speak of the Devil quest (2)Click to enlarge

The first location you'll have to go to is the Wattz Electronic Store. Entering the location, go across the broken first floor and you'll notice a radio on a table.

You'll find Connie's Note and the Black Devil Vol. 1. Reading the note will start the quest.

Following in Connie's footsteps

After reading the note, your quest marker will lead you to Relay Tower 0MC-810, which has a few Enclave soldiers. I also found a few Radroaches there as well. Once you clear out the enemies, you'll notice Richie's dead body which has Richie's note and AM 810 music catalogue on it. Take both and activate the terminal beside the body to extend the satellites.

How to get Fallout 4's X-02 Power Armour from the Speak of the Devil quest (5)

How to get Fallout 4's X-02 Power Armour from the Speak of the Devil quest (6)Click to enlarge

It takes around ten seconds and after it's done, load the AM810 holotape into the terminal. You'll have to transfer the 'Stars and Stripes Forever' file. Afterdoing that a new radio signal is added and your next quest marker will be at the BADTFL Regional Office.

How to get Fallout 4's X-02 Power Armour from the Speak of the Devil quest (7)

How to get Fallout 4's X-02 Power Armour from the Speak of the Devil quest (8)Click to enlarge

When you get to the BADTFL Regional office, you'll find Connie's dead body in one of the interrogation rooms along with the FM 52.7 music catalogue, which is locked. To unlock it, you have three options:

  • If you have Hacker +1, you can generate a list of passwords to hack it like a terminal
  • If you have Hacker +3, you can hack it immediately, which is what I did.
  • Another way is to read Connie's Confession on the table, which gives a hint of the password.

If you chose the third option, then after reading Connie's Confession, look behind her body, on the wall with two holes. One of the holes has a cigarette paper with the words ''El Diablo Viene''. It basically translates to [e\_di@bl0*p7z+rk4CkzEsx\@iene in the holotape.

How to get Fallout 4's X-02 Power Armour from the Speak of the Devil quest (9)

How to get Fallout 4's X-02 Power Armour from the Speak of the Devil quest (10)Click to enlarge

After doing that, the holotape will be unlocked and you'll have a new quest marker at Relay Tower 0SC-527. You'll have to do the same as with the previous Relay Tower and load the FM 52.7 music catalogue. Now, you'll have to transfer the 'America the Beautiful' file.

How to get Fallout 4's X-02 Power Armour from the Speak of the Devil quest (11)

How to get Fallout 4's X-02 Power Armour from the Speak of the Devil quest (12)Click to enlarge

Another radio signal will be added and the final quest marker will be at the Boston Police Rationing Site, which will lead you to the X-02 Power Armour.

How to get the X-02 Power Armour

After going to the Boston Police Rationing Site, you'll notice the door is locked. You can jump your way to the roof from the train beside it or use an explosive to destroy the lock. While these are options to unlock it, I simply used my Power Armour's Jet Pack mod to go up to the roof and enter inside. You'll find the Utility Tunnel entrance inside. Go through the tunnel and you'll eventually end up in a room with the X-02 Power Armour behind a locked door. There's a radio in front of it, and activating it will unlock the door and you'll have access to the X-02 Power Armour.

How to get Fallout 4's X-02 Power Armour from the Speak of the Devil quest (13)

How to get Fallout 4's X-02 Power Armour from the Speak of the Devil quest (14)Click to enlarge

The terminal behind the armour has all the details about The Black Devil and the person behind them. You then have the option to, short-circuit the transmission or restore the Enclave Radio. Doing the former will essentially remove traces of the Black Devil's character and give you access to a safe with loot. Restoring the radio will lock the safe.

After getting the X-02 Power Armour, a few Enclave soldiers will show up and try to kill you. Eliminate them and you'll be safe to go.

That's everything you need to know about getting the X-02 Power Armour in Fallout 4's Speak of the Devil Quest.

We have a Fallout hub which has news and guides on all thing Fallout, including the Performance vs Quality Mode in Fallout 4, completing the All Hallow's Eve quest and more, so be sure to check these out as well.

How to get Fallout 4's X-02 Power Armour from the Speak of the Devil quest (2024)


How to get Fallout 4's X-02 Power Armour from the Speak of the Devil quest? ›

Go through the tunnel entrance and then keep heading forward until you see a radio in front of a locked door with a set of Power Armor behind it. Activate the radio to unlock the door, and you'll have access to the X-02 Power Armor.

How to get the X-02 power armor? ›

The power armor is obtained in the Mass Pike Tunnel underneath the Boston Police rationing site, during the quest Speak of the Devil. The "Devil's Inferno" mod can be found in a locked safe in the same location, requiring completion of the miscellaneous quest Enclave Radio to unlock.

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Location. This unique variant can be acquired in the Cola-cars arena, from Overboss Colter upon his defeat.

What is the code for the Speak of the Devil in Fallout 4? ›

The cigarette paper has the Speak of the Devil password: El Diablo Viene. Use that to access the holotape for the next step, which is to head to the OSC-527 relay tower. You'll probably have to fight some mole rats and a Brood Mother here.

Is X02 armor better than X-01? ›

While the Power Armor is the X-02 variant, it has slightly higher health per armor piece than X-01 armor would at the present level.

Is X-01 the best power armor? ›

The X-01 Power Armor is the strongest model in Fallout 4. | Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Bethesda. Damage Resistance: 1220. Energy Resistance: 790.

What is the most powerful armor in Fallout 4? ›

The X-01 Power Armor suit is the best, most powerful set of Power Armor in Fallout 4. This page guides you on how to easily get your very own suit of X-01. You can find a complete X-01 suit close to the Custom House Tower (bottom right mark on the picture above).

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Deathclaw promontory - Body piece (only the armor, no helmet) can be found in the unmarked location, which is found across the river due east of cliffside prospector camp.

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Using Listening Post Bravo as a reference point, travel slightly southeast to find a camp on a hill with a fire burning. Around the fire, there will be a couple of enemies, one of which is Pyro. Pyro is wearing the Hellfire Power Armor, and you need to defeat him to loot the set.

Do they say the F word in Fallout 4? ›

Profanity (4)

The words "f**k," "sh*t," and "a*shole" are heard in dialogue. A lot of swear words used except extremely vulgar ones. Once in a very long while you may just hear an F word. Otherwise, the language is not bad or frequent.

Was the Enclave evil? ›

The Enclave is notoriously evil, killing off mutated inhabitants of the wastes and using their power to take territory by force. The Enclave is featured as the main antagonist of Fallout 3, fighting against the Brotherhood of Steel for control of the former capital.

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Papyrus is a scripting language created by Bethesda for use in their Elder Scrolls Games as well for Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas and Fallout 4.

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The fighter jet known as the X-02 Wyvern can be unlocked for purchase after all other jets are purchased in the game.

How to get x-02 power armor Fallout 4 Boston police rationing site? ›

From there, descend into the tunnels and follow the path until you come across a radio panel in front of a locked door, with the legendary X-02 Power Armor visible behind it. Activate the radio to unlock the door's security and finally claim your armor prize.

How do you get x-02 in Ace Combat 4? ›

The X-02 is unlocked after completing Special Mission 1: "Operation X". It costs $695,000 to purchase.

How to get x-02 power armor Fallout 4 reddit? ›

You just have to fight some enclave soldiers or do one quest to get a full suit of XO-2 at the highest armour upgrade. It's even easier post-update. Just kill the enclave and they will drop X02 mk3-6 power armor.


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