Feb2 Lloydminster - [PDF Document] (2024)

Feb2 Lloydminster - [PDF Document] (1)

w w w. t h e we e k l y b e a n . c a

(306) 825-5694 or e-mail:[emailprotected]

February 2, 2015


Two recent innovations to the generations-old Middle East sport of camel racing boosted its profile. First, to cleanse the sport of a sour period in which children from Bangladesh were trafficked to use as jockeys, owners have begun using “robot” jockeys -- electronic dum-mies that respond to trainers tracking the races with walkie-talkies (growling encouragement directly into camels’ ears) and joysticks (that trigger a whip at an appropriate time). Second, the firm Al Shibla Middle East of United Arab Emirates has introduced lycra-style, whole-body camel coverings that are believed to enhance blood circulation and, perhaps, racing speed (although the fashions are now used only in training and transportation, to lessen camels’ “stress”). Ultimately, of course, the coverings may carry advertising. [New York Times, 12-26-2014] [7 Days in Dubai, 12-31-2014]


“It’s not fair! There is not justice in this coun-try!” shouted the mother of Franklin Reyes, 17, in a New York City courtroom in January after a judge ordered the son tried for manslaugh-ter as an adult. Reyes, an unlicensed driver fleeing a police traffic stop, had plowed into a 4-year-old girl, killing her, but had initially convinced the judge to treat him as a “youthful offender.” Reyes’ mom was so enraged at the judge’s switch that she had to be escorted from the room. (After the judge’s generous youthful offender ruling, Reyes had violated his bail conditions by getting arrested three more times.) [New York Post, 1-15-2015]


The Territorial Seed Co. of Cottage Grove, Oregon, introduced a plant in 2014 that sprouts both tomatoes and potatoes, the aptly named “Ketchup ‘n’ Fries” plant. Grafting (rather than genetic modification) splices the tomato onto potato plants (to create single plants capable of harvests of 500 red cherry tomatoes and 4.5 pounds of potatoes each). [The Oregonian (Portland), 12-30-2014]

Feb2 Lloydminster - [PDF Document] (2)

Two police officers recently visited my 4 year old grandsons’ daycare to give a talk about the importance of telling the truth. After the presenter asked if there were any questions Jonathon raised his hand “I peed the bed

last night.” He confessed.-----------------------------------------------------------------

My children and I were awaiting the arrival of my friend s new baby so when she headed to the hospital to give birth I told my two kids we could visit her that weekend.

“But Mom my four year old daughter said, growing upset, “I wanted to watch it hatch.”

----------------------------------------------------------------My six year old grandson

plays hockey and his coach recently let him be the goaltender for a game.

Apparently he had a rough go of it, so when he arrived home I asked for his take

on the experience. “Did you really let in 18 goals?” “Yep” he said “but I stopped the

rest of em”

Feb2 Lloydminster - [PDF Document] (3)

Feb2 Lloydminster - [PDF Document] (4)

Lloydminster Concert Series Association presents Kellylee Evans on Tuesday, February 10, at 7:30 pm at Vic Juba Community Theatre.

Canadian singer/songwriter Kellylee Evans is a chameleon-like performer, whose natural charm and improvisational jazz vocal style have shined on her adventurous journey through jazz, soul, pop and hip-hop over the past decade.

Kellylee has released two indie solo albums of original songs in Canada, earned two Juno Award nominations (winning Best Jazz Vocal Album for Nina, her impassioned tribute to Nina Simone), and performed around the world, opening for such stars as John Legend, Dianne Reeves, Derek Trucks, George Benson and Willy Nelson.

With her latest album opus, I Remember When, she chooses songs by the likes of Eminem, John Legend and Kanye West.

Tickets are $38 regular or $5 for students. Tickets may be ordered via phone at 780-872-7400, online at vicjubatheatre.ca or in person at the Box Office, Monday to Friday, 9:30 am to 3:30 pm.

Feb2 Lloydminster - [PDF Document] (5)

Februarys Limited Edition Triumph Now Available...


Men say that a woman’s place is in the kitchen. Just remember that’s where all the knives are.

Telling an angry woman to calm down works about as well as baptizing a cat.

You ex asking you to stay friends after you break up is like kidnappers asking to stay in touch after they let you go.

Studies have found that women that carry a little extra weight live long than the men who mention it.

Dressing immodestly is like rolling around in manure. Yes you’ll get attention but mostly from pigs.

It’s a proven fact than women say twice as many words a day as men. That’s because we have to repeat everything we say to them.

Women spend more time thinking about what men are thinking than men do actually thinking

The quickest way to get your hubs to fix something is to get out his tools and start the project yourself.

When women ask for your opinion they don’t ask to hear your opinion, they want to hear their opinion but in a deeper voice.

Men say that women should come with instructions. What’s the point of that? Have you ever seen a man read instructions?

If a woman is upset, hold her and tell her how beautiful she is. If she starts to growl, retreat to a safe distance and throw chocolate at her.

Feb2 Lloydminster - [PDF Document] (6)

Baby Bean02.02.14


Mar. 19

February at The Village Pregnancy to Parenting

4702 56th Ave LloydminsterPrograms and groups

Activities and programs for children and families in the Lloydminster areaThe ladies at the MotherHood have put together a list of things to do in our area. So if you are wondering what to do today check these out. For more information on The MotherHood visit www.thevillagepregnancytoparenting.com

1. SwimmingThe Lloydminster Leisure Centre has several options including the Teddy Bear Swim, Family Swim and Toonie Tot. You can find out more at www.lloydminster.ca2. Indoor playgroundMidwest Family Connects has several programs for families including their large indoor playground. All of their programs are free. Visit www.midwestfamilyconnections.ca3. SkatingThere are many rinks in the Lloydminster area with family skate. The Servus Sports Centre, Hockey rinks, Bud Miller Park and outdoor rinks throughout the city.4. FunzoneThe Servus Sports Center has one of its field houses available for kids to play. It includes a bouncy house, balls and more. For more information visit www.schedules.lloydminster.ca/dropin5. LibraryThe Lloydminster public library has several activities for young families. The story and craft time is free. You can also drop in and find some great books to read. www.lloydminster.lib.sk.ca6. GymnasticsExplosion gymnastics offers a Romper Gym program and an open gym time. Children like to get moving at this fun program. www.explosiongymnastics.com7. Reading funThe Lloydminster Learning Council offers the 123 Rhyme with me and Books for Babies programs. These programs are free. To register you can contact www.lloydlearningcouncil.org8. Lloydminster cultural & science centreCheck out all the programs and fun at the Lloydminster cultural & science centre for kids and families. www.lloydminster.ca9. SkiingMount Joy is Lloydminster’s local ski hill. Ski lessons for all levels and ages. www.mountjoy.ca10. Roller DerbyFun for the older kids. For more information you can find Border City Roller Derby on facebook. 11. The Petting ZooVisit all the animals at the zoo. Opens in May. Find Border City Petting Zoo on facebook.12. Indoor Play centreMcDonalds offers an indoor play centre. Grab some friends and go have coffee and visit while the kids have fun climbing the walls.13. Mother & Tots groupsThe Village pregnancy & parenting centre offers a drop in group called the MotherHood. www.thevillagepregnancytoparenting.comMOPS is another mother and tot group and can be contacted at www.mopslloydminster.com14. MiscellaneousLocal groups such as Guides, Scouts, AWANA’s, summer camps, school programs and more.

There is lots to do in Lloydminster and surrounding area’s and we have probably missed a few. Stay active with your family and don’t forget to check out local events throughout the year such as The Bellies & Babies show, Children’s day, Streetfest, Vic Juba concerts and more.

The MotherHood: Wed. 4th & 18thBirth Cafe: Thurs. 12th & 26thNursing Moms: Wed. 11th & Saturday TBAFoodVille: Saturday TBAHealing Mama’s: Wed. 18th

Check out our website for more resources and information




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Feb2 Lloydminster - [PDF Document] (7)





























































Feb2 Lloydminster - [PDF Document] (8)

Thoughts on CrochetingIt’s never as easy as it looks

It is a slow process. Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither was this sweater crocheted in an hour.

Do not engage a knitter in combat.

A lady NEVER discusses the size of her yarn stash.

Having ‘feelings’ about yarn is normal.

It’s Okay to not know whatyou’re doing.

Yarn is like chocolate. You can never have too much.

In the dictionary, crocheting comes before housework.

Being a crocheter is sorta like being a magician. You mumble to yourself while wiggling a stick around,

and other people have no idea how you did it.

Crocheters save their best yearn for their favorite people. So if your next scarf is sort of scratchy then sorry you didn’t make

the cut.

I’m a yarnaholic on the road to recovery. JUST KIDDING! I’m just on my way to the yarn store.

Feb2 Lloydminster - [PDF Document] (9)

Staff Get TogethersBirthday Parties

Stags & StagettesSchool Activites

Book Your Party Now!!

5744 - 44 St Lloydminster780-875-0110 or 780-872-9677

Feb2 Lloydminster - [PDF Document] (10)


Feb2 Lloydminster - [PDF Document] (11)


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10. Play the exciting game “Does My Head Fit in the Glove Compartment?”

9. Roll down window, ask person next to you, “Is this the line for Pokémon?”

8 Honk your horn -- that always helps to get things moving

7. Call police, report stolen car, give license plate of car in front of you

6. Imagine you’re in line of cars waiting to run over Donald Trump

5. Turn on wipers, have “race” to see which one goes faster

4. Walk up to guy in car ahead of you, ask him about his grandson

3. Use jumper cables to resuscitate road kill

2. Plow into a couple of those silly Smart Cars.

1. Bring a hand puppet, preferably an animal. Ask it to clarify the traffic situation.

Feb2 Lloydminster - [PDF Document] (12)


Borrow someone’s cell phone and change the language setting to a foreign language.

Change the language for Google on someone’s computer. Change the coffee in the office coffee maker to decaf.Swap the signs on the men’s and ladies’ rest rooms.

Hide scented air fresheners all over someone’s office.Add food coloring to milk that comes in a cardboard container.

Add food coloring to the windshield washer fluid of someone’s car. Switch around random keys on someone’s keyboard who isn’t a very

good typist. Switch the Push and Pull signs on a set of doors.

Hide food in a trash can and when someone comes by grab some and eat it.

.Replace Oreo cream-filling with toothpaste and offer one to someone.

Bring multiple sets of clothes to work, change every hour, and act like nothing’s different.

Cup some water in your hand and pretend to sneeze on the back of someone’s head.

Take something from someone’s office and leave them a ransom note.Add several odd appointments with alarms set to go off during the day .

5405 44 StreetWayside Plaza

Feb2 Lloydminster - [PDF Document] (13)







Feb2 Lloydminster - [PDF Document] (14)

Our manager at the restaurant where I worked was a much beloved, jovial man. But there was one subject you didn’t dare discuss in front of him — his height. Or, should I say, his lack of

it. One day, he stormed through the door and announced angrily, “Someone just picked my pocket!” Most of my fellow waitresses and I were speechless, except for the one who blurted out, “How

could anyone stoop so low?”---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

In the 22-story office building where I worked, rush hours meant crowds of people waiting a long time for the three passenger

elevators. One evening my boss was one of the throng relegated to the freight elevator. When a fellow rider complained about having to take this mode of transportation, my boss replied

philosophically, “Better freight than never!” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ My younger brother, I explained to a friend, had quite a temper as a boy. Our parents had tried extra love, attention and patience on him, with little success. Then, in the middle of one of his tan-trums, they simply handed him a shovel, pointed to the backyard and instructed him to go out and dig and not come back until he

had control of his anger. “Apparently,” I said, “the therapy worked, because he’s turned out very nicely.” “What does he do for a

living?” my friend asked. “He builds in-ground swimming pools.”

Feb2 Lloydminster - [PDF Document] (15)


1. What was Shania’s given name?A) Ellen TwainB) Shania TwainC) Eileen Regina EdwardsD) Shania Edwards2. Where was Shania raised?A) Timmins, OntarioB)BrazilC)British ColumbiaC) Alaska3. How old was Shania when her parents died?A) 21B) 2C) 13D) 20

4. What is the name of Shania’s son who was born on August 12 2001?A) AsiaB) EjaC) AfricaD) John5. Who did Shania marry in 1993?A) Robert TwainB) Rod StewertC) Robert John “Mutt” LangeD) Kenny Chesney6. “I’ve known a few guys who thought they were pretty smart but you’ve got bein right down to an art...” What hit song is this?A) Forever and For AlwaysB) She’s Not Just a Pretty FaceC) Come On OverD) That Don’t Impress Me Much

1. C, 2. A, 3. A, 4. B, 5. C, 6.D


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Feb2 Lloydminster - [PDF Document] (16)

w The youngest pope was 11 years old. w Mark Twain didn’t graduate from elementary school. w Proportional to their weight, men are stronger than horses. w They have square watermelons in Japan - they stack better. w Iceland consumes more Coca-Cola per capita than any o ther nation. w Heinz Catsup leaving the bottle travels at 25 miles per year. w It is possible to lead a cow upstairs but not downstairs. w Armadillos can be housebroken.w In the Durango desert, in Mexico, there’s a creepy spot called the “Zone of Silence.” You can’t pick up clear TV or radio signals. And locals say fireballs sometimes appear in the sky.w The first fossilized specimen of Australopithecus afarenisis was named Lucy after the paleontologists’ favorite song “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds,” by the Beatles.

Feb2 Lloydminster - [PDF Document] (17)

I tell you, women drivers are a hazard to traffic. Driv-ing to work this morning on the freeway, I looked

over to my left and there was a woman in a red

Mustang doing 85 km per hour with her face up next to her rear view mirror put-

ting on her eyeliner! I looked away for a

couple seconds and when I looked back she was

halfway over in my lane. It scared me so bad I dropped my electric shav-er in my coffee, and it spilled all over my cell phone

and I lost my text I was sending!

Feb2 Lloydminster - [PDF Document] (18)


Professional Counselling Services, EMDR


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Feb2 Lloydminster - [PDF Document] (19)

Feb2 Lloydminster - [PDF Document] (20)

Highlights from the Jan. 26, 2015 regular City Council meeting

• Tuesday, Jan. 27, 2015 was proclaimed as Family Literacy Day.

• City Council approved the 2015 City of Lloydminster Emergency Plans, which included the review of the Hazard Risk & Vulnerability Assessment.

• Bylaw 29-2014 – The Business License Bylaw, was amended to include provisions for the licensing of Farmer’s Markets. Bylaw 40- 2014 – Business License Bylaw Amendment was read a first, second and third time. The amendment requires each Farmer’s Market Group to purchase one business license, and this license would cover all the vendors participating in the Market during market hours only.

• Council approved the contract extension for the next phase of the 25 Street Sanitary Trunk Extension project for GS Holdings Company Ltd., for $1,331,470.

• The following bylaws were read a first, second and third time: o Bylaw 1-2015 – Assessment Review Board, which establishes the Assessment Review Boards for 2015. o Bylaw 2-2015 – Supplementary Assessment, which authorizes the preparation of supplementary assessment of improvements for 2015. o Bylaw 3-2015 – Temporary Borrowing Bylaw, which includes an Operating Line of Credit in the amount of $12,500,000.

• Bylaw 4-2015 – Debenture Bylaw, was read a first time. This bylaw authorizes the financing, undertaking of, and completion of the \ Outdoor Pool capital upgrades and to incur indebtedness by the issuance of a debenture in the amount of $350,000.

For city council minutes and agendas, visit lloydminster.ca and click on ‘Government.’

The next regular City Council meeting is

Monday, Feb. 23rd 1:30pm in Council


Feb2 Lloydminster - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Author: Rubie Ullrich

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Author information

Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

Phone: +2202978377583

Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.