30 Day Paleo Diet Meal Plan | Shopping Lists | Easy Recipes | Primal Palate | Paleo Recipes - Primal Palate | Paleo Recipes (2024)

Did you know that with our mobile friendlymyKitchen FREE paleo meal planning tool you can choose from 11 FREE 1 week pre-populated meal plans. Yes, all this is FREE to you!

Choose from Whole 30, Keto, Paleo, AIP, and Sugar Free Plans.

You can add-to the meal plans, and modify them to fit your needs, and even include your own easy to UPLOADrecipes. With over2500 recipeson our site, the meal planning possibilities are limitless!

CHOOSE your meal plan> customize or create your own > let your meal planning begin.

30 Day Paleo Diet Meal Plan | Shopping Lists | Easy Recipes | Primal Palate | Paleo Recipes - Primal Palate | Paleo Recipes (1)

What is myKitchen?

myKitchenis apowerful, interactive, and mobile-friendly Paleo Meal Planner that allows you to drag and drop your favorite recipes into a fully customizable meal plan, whichalsogenerates a shopping list for you!

How to use myKitchen

1.Register or Loginfor PrimalPalate.com

You will receive a verification email, whichcontains a special link you’ll need to follow to complete the registration process.

2. View any recipe on our site and click the gold “+” to add a recipe to myKitchen

These will be stored as favorites, which you can use in the meal planner.(You can also uploadyour own recipes)

30 Day Paleo Diet Meal Plan | Shopping Lists | Easy Recipes | Primal Palate | Paleo Recipes - Primal Palate | Paleo Recipes (2)

3. Click “myKitchen” in the top menuto access the meal planner

ViewmyKitchen to see your favorite recipes and any meal planning you’ve been working on. You can even save what you’ve been working on by clicking “Save all menus” under myMenus.

30 Day Paleo Diet Meal Plan | Shopping Lists | Easy Recipes | Primal Palate | Paleo Recipes - Primal Palate | Paleo Recipes (3)

4. Select a mealplan, or create your own

To create your own, just drag and drop recipes fromRecipes (your saved favorites) to Meal Plans

Your recipes are organized by category, and provide you with quick information to help make meal planning easier. You’ll see how much each recipe makes (which you can change), how long it’ll take to make the recipe, and there is also a quick link to view the recipe easily. Hover over a recipe to reveal an “X” which will allow you to delete it.

30 Day Paleo Diet Meal Plan | Shopping Lists | Easy Recipes | Primal Palate | Paleo Recipes - Primal Palate | Paleo Recipes (4)

5. Customize the plan!

• Change serving sizes

• Rearrange days

• Add or delete days

In the Meal Plans (center column), you can change serving sizes of recipes, and it will reflect updated values in your shopping list. You can also add or delete days, and rearrange them. If you want to do a whole month’s meal planning in one shot, go for it! It could also be equally useful if you are planning a large get together. Simply add recipes to myKitchen, drag them into the meal planner, increase the serving size, then print or email the shopping list to yourself. It couldn’t be easier!

30 Day Paleo Diet Meal Plan | Shopping Lists | Easy Recipes | Primal Palate | Paleo Recipes - Primal Palate | Paleo Recipes (5)

6. Generate a Shopping List

• Add additionalingredients

• Delete ingredients you already have

• Print your list, or email it to yourself!

In the right column, you’ll see ingredients you need organized by type. If you know you have a certain ingredient, you can delete it from the shopping list to avoid confusion. Once you’re ready, click Print or email it yourself.

30 Day Paleo Diet Meal Plan | Shopping Lists | Easy Recipes | Primal Palate | Paleo Recipes - Primal Palate | Paleo Recipes (6)

Share myKitchen with your friends!

We want everyone to know about and to enjoy this free tool!You won’t find a better meal planner online!

30 Day Paleo Diet Meal Plan | Shopping Lists | Easy Recipes | Primal Palate | Paleo Recipes - Primal Palate | Paleo Recipes (8)

Following the Paleo diet has helped countlesspeople achieve:

  • Balanced energy all day long
  • Clearer skin
  • Improved sleepquality
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Stabilize theirblood sugar
  • Burn off extra stored body fat
  • Fewerheadaches and brain fog

We know the positive effect a Paleo lifestyle can have because we experience it firsthand every day. We also know thatanytransition period-whether it be for a diet, lifestyle, or personal change-can be difficult. The switch to Paleo may be one of the best things we have ever done for ourselves, and now we want to help as many people as possible to do the same.

Once you see results, you’ll never look back!

We believe that after one month of eating wholesome foods our bodies weredesigned to eat, you will have no desire to go back to your old ways. Why? Because this is the first way of eatingwhere you will eat delicious, mouth-watering meals and the mirror will still thank you. It’s a diet that will make you feel proud for the nutrients you are putting in your body, rather than filling it with harmful chemicals and processed foods. It will leave you feelingstrong, energized, andfocused; rather than weak or deprived.And for all those reasons, it’s anything BUT a “diet.” If you want to try Paleo for 30 or 60 days, we will give you the tools to do so. All we ask from you is the motivation to commit. How do you find motivation? By seeing results. How do you get results?By sticking to a plan.

30 Day Paleo Diet Meal Plan | Shopping Lists | Easy Recipes | Primal Palate | Paleo Recipes - Primal Palate | Paleo Recipes (2024)


What is the primal diet for dummies? ›

The foundation of the primal diet, according to Sisson's website, is eating a lot of vegetables, meat, and eggs. You should eat a wide variety of vegetables to get as much color in your diet as possible. Eating different types of meat is encouraged as well, including organ meats and bone broth.

What is a whole 30 meal plan? ›

On Whole30, you can eat meat, vegetables, fruit, tree nuts and seeds, and healthy fats. However, you must avoid sugar, grains, legumes, dairy, alcohol, and processed food additives. Although it would be difficult and very restrictive to maintain long term, the Whole30 is designed to be done only for 30 days.

What is the paleo diet full guide? ›

Details of a paleo diet
  1. Fruits.
  2. Vegetables.
  3. Nuts and seeds.
  4. Eggs.
  5. Lean meats, especially grass-fed animals or wild game.
  6. Fish, especially those rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, mackerel and albacore tuna.
  7. Oils from fruits and nuts, such as olive oil or walnut oil.
Oct 20, 2022

What foods are not allowed on a primal diet? ›

The Primal Diet recommends whole foods like meat and vegetables alongside moderate amounts of organic, raw dairy. You should limit or avoid all grains, processed foods, processed oils, and high sugar foods and beverages.

Is cheese ok on a primal diet? ›

The Primal Blueprint is a diet and lifestyle plan that is similar to the Paleo plan, but with some key differences. Like the Paleo plan, Primal Nutrition emphasizes whole, unprocessed foods and restricts grains, legumes, and processed foods. However, it also allows for some dairy products, including cottage cheese.

Can you eat popcorn on primal diet? ›

(Popcorn is) not primal, but it's not the worst cheat snack you can have. If you're buying at a movie theater, make sure they pop it in coconut oil and add real butter (not butter-flavored soy oil). If you're doing it at home, use a good pot with ghee or coconut oil.

Can you eat potatoes on a primal diet? ›

Generally, unprocessed potatoes of all types can be part of a paleo diet. Similarly to grains, which are off-limits on paleo, potatoes are starchy and rich in carbohydrates. However, potatoes are actually a type of starchy vegetable that grows underground, known as a tuber ( 2 , 3 ).

Can you eat rice on a primal diet? ›

Strict paleo dieters exclude all grains from their diets — including rice — primarily due to their high phytate content. Although it's technically prohibited, many people still consume small amounts of white rice while following a paleo diet because it's lower in phytates, compared with other types.

What foods are banned on the Whole30 diet? ›

For 30 days, say goodbye to grains, legumes (including soy and peanuts), dairy products, added sugars (including artificial sweeteners and natural sweeteners like honey or maple syrup), alcohol, and any processed foods or additives.

Can I eat bananas on Whole30? ›

What about bananas? Yes, both pickles and bananas are allowed on Whole30. Yet if they are a potential trigger food for you (for instance, the sweetness of bananas sets off a craving for other treats or makes you want to binge on the fruit), then you may consider including them on your “don't eat” list.

Can you eat oatmeal on Whole30? ›

When you're on Whole30, toast, cereal, and oatmeal won't fly. But that doesn't mean you have to eat a plate of boring scrambled eggs each and every day. These casseroles, egg cups, breakfast stacks, and more will have you looking forward to your morning meal—and full way beyond your morning commute.

What is not allowed on a paleo diet? ›

The diet excludes cereal grains, legumes, dairy, processed oils, refined sugar, alcohol, caffeine, artificial sweeteners, and trans fats. Some paleo-friendly foods include lean meats, fish, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds.

Is peanut butter paleo? ›

Peanuts are technically legumes, which are not paleo compliant, and that means peanut butter is off limits for paleo eaters. All other nuts and seeds are fair game, so if nuts and seeds are the only ingredients, snack away!

What is the difference between paleo and paleo Primal? ›

There are also a few differences. Namely, paleo diets have historically restricted dairy and legumes, while the Primal way of eating allows for them provided that you tolerate them well. The Primal way of eating is also intricately tied to the other Primal pillars of movement and lifestyle.

Are potatoes on the primal diet? ›

If you're following a paleo meal plan, you might choose to include purple potatoes occasionally, balancing them with other low-glycemic vegetables and high-quality proteins. For those on a primal meal plan, potatoes can be a more regular part of your diet, with purple potatoes being a particularly nutritious option.

Is honey OK on primal diet? ›

Unadulterated raw honey is also considered a whole food, making it paleo-friendly, whereas pasteurised honey is heat-processed and not recommended in a paleo lifestyle.

Is rice allowed on Primal? ›

Strict paleo dieters exclude all grains from their diets — including rice — primarily due to their high phytate content. Although it's technically prohibited, many people still consume small amounts of white rice while following a paleo diet because it's lower in phytates, compared with other types.


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Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

Address: Suite 153 582 Lubowitz Walks, Port Alfredoborough, IN 72879-2838

Phone: +128413562823324

Job: IT Strategist

Hobby: Video gaming, Basketball, Web surfing, Book restoration, Jogging, Shooting, Fishing

Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.